Friday, November 09, 2007

A Day of Rememberance

Caitlin Jenleg fidgeted in the cold morning air trying to keep warm and appear lady-like at the same time. It was only early autumn but the clear sky of the last few days had made the temperature plunge. Well at least it wasn't raining. She glanced up occasionally at the statue of her ancestor. Her great-grandmother in her armour, great sword held aloft head thrown back in fear and anger the broken standard at her feet. The small crowd seemed to swell as the Grand Dutchess stood slowly and stepped forward. Caitlin had never seen so many dwarves in one place, nor so many old men and women.

"We are here to remember." The old womans voice rang out across the small square with the iron of command. "To remember those who fought to free us all from tyranny and terror. To remember those who died at the hands of The Everborn's hordes. To remember those turned against their fellows by The Black Wind. To remember the sacrifices made by so many so that the undeath would not take us all. To honour those of both the First and the Second Banners who selflessly heeded the call to arms."

"The great enemy is defeated. The..." The Grand Duchess faltered as a group of young men and women in black and orange unfurled a series of banners at the back of the crowd, "Free Bentoc", "Bentocovites are not slaves", and "Levinian Tyranny Must End". The crowd stirred and angry grumbles rippled through the crowd.

"We are here to honour those who fought to free us from darkness. Those like my mother who were lost to foul sorceries with the First Banner, those who died in the Second Banner and those who fought on to defeat the armies of Undeath." The clear, strong voice of the second Iron Duchess rang out clearly stiffling the fledgling shouts of the protesters.

"We honour them all, living and dead who gave of their strength so that we might prosper." She turned and placed a wreath of Kaelen and Vorisc at the foot of the monument and the next speaker stepped forward, Chief Kadvar Goldbeard.

"Kiadwar, Hedusci Melmoran. The spirits of the slain are honoured today along with the battle-spirit of those who live on for the greater glory of the Mother and the Father." The banners of the ignored protesters sagged. One young man tried to push forward through the crowd but was stopped by an old dwarf.

"This stone bears the mark of the clans who heeded the call to arms of the Grand Duchesses both. Those clans honour the battle-spirit of all the dead and living who fought against the Cursed-One. The poet Finlas of the Boneshapers speaks it best when he says 'Kradwen harad ma fluin peluin a Kiadwarvolik, Ai maristin pled moswellin agrui gravimdak. Bitter tears flow from our hearts as we honour our battle-brothers and sisters, To stand shoulder to shoulder against the dark is all we can perform.'" the dwarf placed the rune-marked stone in its niche on the monument.

Caitlin shivered in the cold and rubbed at her arms. She had promised to take her life more seriously now but was this dull ritual all she had to look forward to. She daydreamed as the next speaker stood. What had it been like for her Grandmother to take up the Grand Duchy at just 17 in all that war and turmoil. The tales she had heard of her prowess during the war were incredible to believe of the bent old woman sitting on the other side of her mother, but then the steel in her voice earlier made you think.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Session X: Recognitions, Part II - Markus Duchèsne

Markus stared at the hysterical creature before them.

"I win, I win, I have your heart and soul. You will stay with me forever. Oh how wonderful, wonderful, two for one, two for one". Screeched Vetis of Silk.

Vilsaran had lost the wager. He had bargained where Markus had not. For the heart and soul of Kerna, a girl they did not know and the price he now paid, was his own. Markus looked at his companion, the colour had drained from his face, but he remained composed.

The damned fool! we should have left when we had the chance. The girl was lost, but we still had a chance... I still have a chance... Gods be damned!

"Double or quits" Markus roared. "let us have this final game and be done with it"!

A knock at the door roused Markus from his slumber. He had clearly dropped off while composing a letter at his desk.

"Not now Sidric, I'll call for you in another hour or so".

"Yes Sir, I'll go finish the writing assignment you gave me".

"Double or quits" Markus whispered.

But I didn't speak. I remained silent, waited too long. I was spared my guilt by the grace of the gods. The fey woman - Lady Summer spoke in my stead. She had realised the creature was a cheat, all bets were off, the prize claimed. Double or quits, how I yearned to say those words, but I did not...

Markus dipped his pen once more into the ink pot and continued his letter.